Sergey Stefoglo : SEO Consultant

Everything Happens for a Reason

It’s one of those “typical” phrases, isn’t it? “Everything happens for a reason” is something that people are supposed to say to someone who is going through a difficult time, right? Yeah, that sounds right. But do people actually believe that?

The interesting thing about this phrase is that it is so obvious, while being so powerful at the same time. It’s obvious because – well – technically everything does happen for a reason. From a logical sense, if there was no reason for something to happen, it wouldn’t. In other words everything leads to something, therefore anyone can argue that whatever happens next is the reason. Time keeps going, and things are going to continue to happen.

Now, I never thought much about this phrase until recently when something horrible happened with my job situation. Long story short, I was told I had a job, and after I had already left my current job, they changed their minds. As you can imagine, this wasn’t the easiest time for me. I was angry at myself, I was angry at individuals at the company, and I just wasn’t happy about the situation in general.

About two months later I see that a position opened up at an incredible company. I applied, and after 4 interviews I was told I got the position. Now, this job is not even comparable to the job I would have had at the company I was supposed to work for. In the end, I’m so grateful that I never had to work for the previous company and saw this opportunity instead.

Let’s recap:
If I had never gotten screwed out of a job, I would have never been looking at a new job. If I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have landed my current position.

Do I believe everything happens for a reason? I don’t know. But what do I know, is that life tends to work in a very interesting way. God works in mysterious ways. Life is weird. Things happen period, and we never know what can come of a negative or positive situation. Always remember that.

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